John Rundell
High Country, VIC
Event Attended
Which event did you attend?
I attended the Victorian High Country IVC trip.
What did you think of the Location's terrain?
It was great to test out my D-MAX on so many different terrains. Overall it was a really fantastic experience.
What was your motivation to attend this event?
I wanted to learn about tracks in the area and improve my off-road skills learning from a qualified trainer.
What was the single most valuable thing you learned at the event?
The most valuable thing I gained from the I-Venture Club was learning how to complete a river crossing safely and knowing how to go down steep descents.
How do you feel about your off-road knowledge now that you've attended an I-Venture Club event?
After completing the I-Venture Club I feel my knowledge has greatly improved. I am ready to go out there and use everything I have learnt to go out on my own.
Where is your favourite off-road location?
High Country Victoria around Ovens Valley is one of my favourite spots to visit.
Where do you plan on taking your vehicle in the future?
I really want to travel to the Victorian High Country and the South East of SA around Robe.
Professional accounts from those in the know who've attended I-Venture Club events.
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