Chris Szigeti
MU-X 4x4 LS-T
Fraser Island, QLD
Event Attended
Which event did you attend?
Attended the Fraser Island event in QLD.
What did you think of the Location's terrain?
We thought the terrain was awesome!
What was the single most valuable thing you learned at the event?
There was so much to learn during the event, I can't thank the I-Venture Club team enough, they were fantastic at explaining and guiding us through the training.
How do you feel about your off-road knowledge now that you've attended an I-Venture Club event?
My knowledge has gone from zero to being a lot more confident.
Where is your favourite off-road location?
Anywhere in Australia, but I love a beach location.
Where do you plan on taking your vehicle in the future?
In actual fact, I am writing this in Yeppoon and am now heading to Carnarvon Gorge, then further west!
Professional accounts from those in the know who've attended I-Venture Club events.
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