D-MAX 4x4 LS-T Crew Cab Ute
Fraser Island, QLD
Event Attended
Which event did you attend?
4 Day I-Venture Club trip – Fraser Island, QLD
What did you think of the Location's terrain?
It was great! We drove a mixture of Fraser Island's inland tracks and golden beaches.
What was your motivation to attend this event?
I wanted to learn more about sand driving. I also just wanted to improve my overall off-road driving skills, which I am happy to say that I accomplished.
What was the single most valuable thing you learned at the event?
Definitely how to tackle narrow, sandy tracks was important for me. But I also think that knowledge on tire management and the basic off-roading equipment was a valuable learning experience.
How do you feel about your off-road knowledge now that you've attended an I-Venture Club event?
My confidence and my all round knowledge has increased drastically. I feel like I can now take my vehicle off-road to all those iconic locations that you hear about.
Where is your favourite off-road location?
Didn't have one but now it will be any sandy beach I can get the D-MAX onto.
Where do you plan on taking your vehicle in the future?
I definitely want to go back to Fraser Island. I also want to hit up Victoria's High Country, Outback Queensland, Flinders Ranges, Woomera...and that's just the start!
Professional accounts from those in the know who've attended I-Venture Club events.
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